대학유학 해외 대학 유학

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해외 대학 순위

2023년 영국 대학 순위 (The Best UK Universities 2023, The Guardian)

  • 작성자 : 관리자
  • 조회수 : 123781

1University of St Andrews
2University of Oxford
3University of Cambridge
4London School of Economics and Political Science
5Imperial College London
6Durham University
7University of Bath
8University of Warwick
9UCL (University College London)
10Loughborough University
11University of Glasgow
12University of Edinburgh
13University of Aberdeen
14Lancaster University
15University of Exeter
16University of Southampton
16University of Bristol
16University of Strathclyde
19University of the Arts London
20University of Leeds
21University of York
22Aston University, Birmingham
23West London
24University of West London
24University of the West of England, Bristol
26Swansea University
27University of Birmingham
27University of East Anglia
29King’s College London
30University of Sheffield
30University of Manchester